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Client story – Shared Service Providers merging


Two Financial IT shared services companies decided to merge into a newly created company that would take over activities step by step.
We joined as part of the initial executive leadership team building up the organization from a handful of people in an empty office.


The key objectives were to form an identity and
culture for the new company, build out the organization, negotiate a new IT infrastructure
partnership agreement (outsourcing) and set up a new capital markets platform to support both parent companies and their respective customers while seeking to determine next steps in the merger.


Transforming from start-up and project organi-zation into a full IT service delivery organization with full accountability for development, support and operation of a mission critical business app- lication in production.


Steer through choppy waters and absorb uncertainty with integrity, transparency, and personal leadership. Strengthen the leadership team and set direction via clear and frequent management communication.

We made a clear split between the line organisation and the development programme to ensure a balance between build and run and made customer experience a focal point by establishing a dedicated maintenance and support function to mature the IT service management disciplines, both internally and with our outsourcing partners.


We ran a professional organization with a turnover of 667 million DKK, a balance of 133 million DKK, 28 employees and up to 50 consultants. Managed
outsourcing of IT-infrastructure and operations for two datacenters and a total of +100 banks and developed an advanced capital market platform. Delivered immaculate financial audit, as well as immaculate IT system audit.

The end customers and the owners were satisfied and the organization delivered on its promises.


  • Outsourcing of IT infrastructure and operations for two datacenters based on comprehensive partnership framework.


  • Implemented unique multi tenant capital marketplatform (Calypso) in production with integration to legacy systems in two different datacenters. Worked with the 3rd party vendor and influenced the future architecture of the product to enable true multi tenancy and scalability.


  • Build up competence and capabilities to develop, maintain and support a Calypso capital market platform.













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