Client story – Modernization of products and platform
Business unit in leading Scandinavian IT service
provider wished to modernize products and
architecture, as Run was eating up too many
The legacy architecture was stifling innovation and the mid- to long-term business was case unviable. An assessment was needed: Upgrade or greenfield?
It was not the first time such an initiative had been initiated – why would it be different this time? It was key to win executive support while also securingownership among employees.The right balance had to be struck between new and old, Run and Build.
Execution speed was critical, as we had only 8 weeks to complete a recommendation for the executive committee. Very complex legacy soft- ware meant estimating scenarios for business casing, and a broad range of requirements had to be fit into the IT strategy and the environment to make possible long-term efficiencies.
Interview all important stakeholders and engage/co-opt key members of future team to ensure ownership. Established one, shared, and prioritized view of business needs. Form expert group and employ statistical methods to let them estimate different scenarios. Present possible futures in bold, strategic strokes, and injected belief and excitement “this time it really is possible”!
The executive proposal was delivered in under 8 weeks. Business Unit management and the Enterprise Architect co-owned the re- commendation.The executive committee decided to invest in newarchitecture as recommended while the team wereable to start executing immediately due to ownership of analysis and results. The new platform is in operation today.
Very low time to value
Viable business case for business unit.
Organization mobilized ready to execute on strategic decision
Strong mandate secured for business unit-management
Alignment of business unit product strategy to company wide IT Strategy.