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Client Stories

Client Stories

In Executio Partners we care most about results. About translating ideas, visions, and strategies into action that leads to visible and tangible changes for our clients.

Going from strategy to execution is what inspired us to name our partnership Executio, and it is while doing exactly that, we are at our best.

We put a solid emphasis on stories that illustrate how we work together with our clients to go from opportunity to created value.

It is our hope that our stories will inspire you...

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Who we are

Who we are

We are leaders and transformation consultants.

We established Executio Partners to create a boutique specializing in transforming organizations
by immersing ourselves into leadership teams, lead strategic initiatives, and make achievement of new
outcomes possible.

Gitte’s first leadership position was as a scout leader around the age of 10, and since then she has taken
on all kinds of formal and informal leader roles professionally and privately, including CEO of a capital
markets service provider, VP of Development, when building up new business units, establishing new lines
of business or when throwing herself into the middle of mergers.

In the years leading up to co-founding Executio Partners, Gitte worked as am interim CFO, interim Head of
Professional Services, and as Programme Manager at one of the world’s leading shipping conglomerates.

Morten began his career as a computer scientist and soon realized that focusing on creating and
sustaining optimal conditions for others to perform is more rewarding to him, and he has pursued mastery
of that discipline as a consultant and interim manager for most of his career.

He brings together broad practical experience in the areas of leadership, execution, strategy, and
managerial finance, and before co-founding Executio Partners he was Partner in the strategy execution
firm Lighthouse Consulting.

He is passionate about good leadership and how to create results by understanding not only the hard facts
of the matters, but also the psychology of people and teams, and how this in combination can help make
transformational shifts happen.

For both of us a red thread runs through our history, and that is being part of establishing a new way of
performing for a group. We have been part of start-ups, led mergers and a spin-off, guided formation of
partnerships, and we put this mindset and these experiences to use both in consulting with multinational
corporations and when supporting start-ups and growth SMEs in creating and executing their strategy.

Strategy to Execution

Strategy to Execution: What we do

Organizational Transformation

Create new ways for groups to work together, reach new levels of performance, new ways of seeing the world





Collaborate with passionate leaders that immerse with the people and organizations they engage to identify opportunities, create inspiring visions, and executing the required changes




Realize strategies based on practitioner’s principles and techniques that allow your organization to adapt its course while keeping true to the overall direction



Long-term value creation

Take advantage of structured approaches to build partnerships, share services, build clear business cases, and create sustainable value


Approach: How we work

We partner with our clients performing leadership-based organisational transformations. This means that we

  • Immerse ourselves into your organisation to be part of the journey; not standing on the side line as teachers or advisors

  • Influence your leadership by working alongside, not by providing presentations and leave

  • Add lasting organisational capabilities; not just filling a void

We strongly believe that strategy is worthless without the ability to execute on it. Strategy is the driving force of an organisation that guides decision making and priorities, and execution is the capability to realise opportunities aligned to your strategy, while remaining in sync throughout the organisation. This viewpoint is what inspired our name Executio Partners.

From our clients we know that our focus on leadership as the primary transformational force is what sets us apart, and we strive to emphasise this in everything we do; from strategy formulation to project delivery.

Leading organisational transformations is leading strategy execution and vice versa. Underpinning our engagements is an execution framework that is continuously evolved, refined, and adapted in partnership with our clients. The framework lends structure to lead organisations through developing a strategy execution model step by step, including re-aligning with the strategic objectives. We work with your leaders to implement and evolve that model, enabling your organisation to continue the journey ahead without assistance.

Succeeding in transforming an organisation means evolving the way you work and make sense of the world.As the transformation unfolds a group of first movers begins acting according to the desired future and gradually the rest of the organisation follows along as the process builds momentum.

In our engagements we ensure that the strategy execution model (including the way the leadership team collaborates) reflects the desired state even as we construct it, which allows the leadership team to spearhead that initial group of adopters and reinforce beneficial behaviour from change agents and stakeholders.In this way we are working with the leadership team to lead themselves and their teams by examples pulled from the desired future, enabling them to show a path for the entire organisation.


Contact us

Gitte Blak

+45 6156 2535  |       

Linkedin profile


Morten Møller Holst

+45 2614 0708  |

Linkedin profile



Executio Partners
Staerevej 4
DK 3660 Stenlose

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